Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Rat Race!

Gone are those days when the whole family came together for the evening tea and daily gossip. Now, one feels lucky to get home for dinner! Weekdays are spent fulfilling our coporation's dreams and weekends just pass by in a jiffy, completing the leftover activities of the preceding week. Each one of us seems to be running after something...a higher degree, a promotion, a better job, a larger house or even a better lifestyle. Some people want to be better than their friends or colleagues while others want to upgrade their current standards. Even at the personal front, the race is on for who is happier or richer or leading a better life. No one wants to stop for a break!
I have no complaints on this new approach that we have unknowingly adopted in these new times. I am just concerned about the pressure and stress that comes with it. The time that is disappearing like sand from our palms worries me everyday. Unfortunately, this realization generally dawns on most people when they drop out from the race. While some stop after reaching a targeted milestone, others just give up out of fatigue. Sadly, the world no longer looks inviting then and the energy and enthusiasm is all used up. The small dreams are lost somewhere on the way and a whole new world remains to be explored.
I used to fight with my mother whenever she cribbed about this new lifestyle. I always ignored her confident claims that the current situation will reverse to the old times very soon as that was the ideal way to lead a well balanced life. Though I continue to disagree with her on this point during our telephonic conversations (just to maintain my ego..;)), a small part of me keeps hoping for that day to arrive soon!


Ketki said...
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Ketki said...

I agree Jas..! I think our generation has a basic flaw.We are never satisfied and are way too worldly.We keep planning for the future..and miss the little joys of the present moment.

Jasleen said...

You are right Ketki...i guess i will be jumping out of this race very soon..:)